BPI-Services operates under the GmbH umbrella of BPI Batterie Handels GmbH. It is a service contractor for international companies wanting to enter Germany or the European Market, or, Companies wanting to do business abroad. (See sales lead) .
The BPI Batterie Handels GmbH is under a longtime contract to represent, sell, purchase and coordinate for the Euras GmbH in Germany.
Euras GmbH is the manufacturer of well received rechargeable products in the field of lamps, torches, flashlights, vacuum cleaners and household appliances.
The products are of German design and India produced.
BPI is also an agent, facilitator and international representative for a number of companies on a contractual base in India, USA, China and Europe.
BPI has an excellent international track record in Corporate Sales and Marketing (US) , Self Employment (CEO, GmbH) and cross market activities. Well connected and experienced.